When it first came out, I had a gaggle of teens at the house. We played with prompts to see how quickly and comprehensively it could write a 5 paragraph essay about the Iliad, or 250 words about why you'd want to attend Dartmouth College. We found it fascinating that it came up with unique content each time. We also found that it was neither completely accurate nor sufficient, but that if you had "writer's block" it could give you a first draft scaffold to help you organize your thoughts. Discussion ensued about whether or not this was "cheating." Subsequently, my kid's high school had a near emergency session about how they were going to handle its use in the classroom, and they came down HARD on students who admitted to using it for assignments. However, this tech is here to stay, and it is on us as educators and parents to learn about it and teach our kids how to use it for good!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Steve Safran

I assume I’m using AI in ways we don’t always realize. Face recognition, Netflix suggestions, etc. As for chat bots and the like, I have not yet used that, hope not to and assume I will down the road. John Oliver did a terrific and exhaustive-ish segment about AI on This Week Tonight Sunday. Definitely worth watching.

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